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Adaptive Meta-Framework for Network Experiment Studies

The Adaptive Meta-Framework for Network Experiment Studies (AMNES) is a highly modular tool that aims to simplify the execution of reproducible network experiments of all kinds. With its easy configurability, the possibility to develop comprehensive extensions and the connectivity to different storage backends, this framework helps you to spend less time on testbed configuration and more time on your network research.

For a detailed description of how to use AMNES, please refer to the official user guide on this documentation page. Within this section, the complete configuration of a network experiment in AMNES and its execution is explained by a simple example. It also describes the installation and configuration of AMNES on the network devices involved in a specific experiment.

This framework is currently under active development and will be extended with additional features in the future. Participation in this project is highly appreciated by the initial creators. For developers who want to actively help to further improve AMNES and integrate new functions, there are also an additional development guide, contribution guidelines and a link to the full API documentation available on this page.

This project is licensed under BSD 3-Clause License and was developed during a student project group at the University of Bonn. For more informations about the project's source code, please visit the official GitLab project repository. When using AMNES for your research, the developers would welcome a mention of the use of this tool.