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Contribution Guidelines

Contributions to AMNES are always welcomed and appreciated. Nevertheless there are a few guidelines which must be followed.

Contributor License Agreement

By contributing to this project, You accept and agree to the following terms and conditions for Your present and future Contributions submitted to this project. Except for the license granted herein to this project and recipients of software distributed by this project, You reserve all right, title, and interest in and to Your Contributions. All Contributions are subject to the following Developer Certificate of Origin and License terms.

Project Guidelines


We use different labels for Issues and Merge Requests to organize our workflow and optimize development progress. In the following paragraphs you will find all currently used labels and guidelines, which label types have to be set and where which label can be used.

Type Labels

These labels are used to determine the type of the Issue or Merge Requests. Every Issue and Merge Request must have exactly one type label set.

Type Labels for Issues and Merge Requests
Label Purpose
type::feature Changes or discussions about new features (no requests).
type::improvement Changes or discussions about improvements.
type::devops Issues and Merge Requests for DevOps. (CI, CD, Workflow)
type::test Used for flagging changes of and operations on tests.
type::bot Used for Issues and Merge Requests created by bots.
type::project Issues and Merge Requests targeting Project Management.
Type Labels only for Issues
Label Purpose
type::bug Used for Issues which report or describe one or more bugs.
type::feature-request Indicates a feature request which must be discussed.
type::bundle Flags Issues which organize other Issues. (Grouping, Epics)
Type Labels only for Merge Requests
Label Purpose
type::fix Indicates a fix of a reported bug (used in conjunction with type::bug Issues).

Priority Labels

These labels are used to order and prioritize Issues and Merge Requests which helps developers to decide which task should be done next. Every Issue and Merge Request should have a priority label assigned to it. More the one priority label is not allowed.

Label Purpose
priority::high Urgent Issues and Merge Requests which must be solved ASAP.
priority::medium Issues and Merge Requests which should be solved in the near future.
No Priority Label. Default Priority.
priority::low Issues and Merge Requests which should only be worked on if time is available.

Workflow Labels

These labels indicate the current status of an Issue or Merge Request. Every Issue and Merge Request may have a workflow label assigned to it. More than one workflow label is not allowed.

Workflow Labels for Issues and Merge Requests
Label Purpose
workflow::blocked Issues and Merge Request which are blocked by another Issue or Merge Request.
Workflow Labels only for Issues
Label Purpose
workflow::ready-for-develop Issues which can be picked up by a developer.
workflow::in-develop Issues which are currently in development.
Workflow Labels only for Merge Requests
Label Purpose
workflow::ready-for-review Merge Requests which are ready for a review.
workflow::in-review Merge Requests which are currently in review.
workflow::ready-for-merge Merge Requests which can be merged.

Area Labels

These labels are used to classify Issues and Merge Requests into specific topics and areas. Every Issue and Merge Request may have multiple area labels assigned to it.

Label Comment
area:controller AMNES Controller Component
area:worker AMNES Worker Component
area:storage AMNES Storage Backend
area:communication Communication between AMNES components
area:core AMNES Core
area:ctl AMNES CTL Command
area:documentation AMNES Documentation
area:nodemodules Built-In Node Modules for AMNES


The main branch for AMNES is develop which is also the branch used to generate this documentation. There are also contribution branches contribute/* which are used to accept public merge requests. If you want to contribute to AMNES using a public platform as, you need to target the corresponding contribution branch (contribute/gitlab for to get your merge request accepted and merged. These contribution branches will be synced with develop by AMNES Project Group. Release Tags are created from commits of release branches named as releases/*.

If you need to create a seperate branch for testing or your merge request, it is recommended to prefix it with a meaningful tag, e.g. task/fix-nuclear-bug or doc/update-installation-guide.

Code Guidelines

Code Style

To prevent unnecessary diffs and changes, AMNES uses the Black code formatter. In addition to this, pylint, flake8 and isort, are used as a basic linters and for static code analysis of python sources.


AMNES uses type checking by mypy which must be used.

In addition to isort, you must follow these import rules:

  • Relative Imports like from import bar are used by AMNES modules to import other AMNES modules.

  • Absolute Imports like import are used by test sources and external modules.

Commit Messages

Writing clean commit messages is essential. There is very basic Blog Article by Tim Pope about how to write a good commit message. The most important rule to follow is the 50-75-Rule, because otherwise the commit messages are not correctly displayed in used GUIs.

Tests and Test Coverage

AMNES uses pytest for part of its code. Everything located in amnes.core package or any of its subpackages must be completely covered by test code. Node Modules or parts of them should be covered, if it is possible. If you are not sure, if your contributed code needs tests, ask an AMNES Developer.