Module amnes.cli.controller

This module contains all necessary definitions for controller subcommand.

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"""This module contains all necessary definitions for controller subcommand."""

import os.path as path

import click

from import Controller
from ..exec.controller.config import ControllerConfiguration
from ..utils.config import ConfigurationError, load_configuration
from . import utils

__HELP = """Starting Controller Component for AMNES.

            By default, the AMNES Controller will be started with the
            'controller.yml' configuration inside the base directory.
            If the config parameter is specified, its value will be used
            as the config file path, ignoring the base directory.

            Nevertheless, a valid base directory is needed as it is used
            as the parent directory for persistent storage.

            Default base directory: ~/.amnes
def group() -> None:
    """Command Group for Controller."""

@group.command(name="controller", help=__HELP)
    "--base", default="~/.amnes/", help="AMNES base directory.", envvar="AMNES_BASE"
@click.option("--config", default="", help="Controller configuration file.")
@click.option("--debug", default=False, is_flag=True, help="Enable debug log messages.")
def command(base: str, config: str, debug: bool) -> None:
    """Starting Controller Component for AMNES.

        base (str): The path to the AMNES base directory.
        config (str): The path to the controller configuration file.
                      If None or an empty string is passed, the default config
                      path relative to the AMNES base directory is used.
        debug (bool): If debug messages should be logged.
    if not base.endswith("/"):
        base = base + "/"
    if (not config) or (config.isspace()):
        config = base + "controller.yml"
    base = path.abspath(path.expanduser(base))
    config = path.abspath(path.expanduser(config))
    click.secho("AMNES Base Directory: " + base, fg="yellow")
    click.secho("AMNES Controller Configuration: " + config, fg="yellow")
        cfg = load_configuration(config, ControllerConfiguration)
    except ConfigurationError as cerr:
        click.secho(f"Could not load controller configuration: {cerr}", fg="red")
        "Starting AMNES Controller, switching to dedicated logger ...", fg="green"
    app = Controller(cfg, base, debug)